Board Member

James Hill, Jr.
Mr. Hill grew up in the Masten District and attended school in the City of Buffalo. Through his involvement on both the basketball and track team, he learned the importance of being a team player. During this period, he met Mr. Herbert L. Bellamy, Sr. who soon became his mentor, whom he greatly admired. Mr. Bellamy saw something special in the young Mr. Hill. In an effort to encourage his growth, he selected Mr. Hill as a board member of the 1490 Estates; a position which he maintains to present day. He also worked for Bellamy Liquors from 1980-1985 and in 1998 became a Board member of Buffalo’s Black Achievers, Inc.
Encouraged by his father, the late James Hill, Sr., Mr. Hill became a City of Buffalo firefighter. In 1991 he was appointed to the Internal Affairs unit and four years later held the position of Fire Investigator. In June of 2017, he retired after proudly serving the citizens of Buffalo for thirty-two years.
In an effort to stay busy after his retirement, Mr. Hill co-founded JMS Brothers Construction and Property Management and currently serves as the company’s CEO. After losing his mother to cancer in 1998, he supports and participates in the annual Ride for Roswell, one of the nation’s largest cycling events. In his spare time, he also enjoys music, cooking and traveling.